
By cuesta

  • January 22, 2013,5:06 am

Hi All and Happy New Year!

We are pleased to welcome you to Cuesta Coal’s new blog!

The blog will be used to post regular updates, links and articles to keep you up to speed on the company’s progress and industry news. The company directors will also feature on the blog providing project updates and to voice their opinions on various industry related topics which will give more insight into the company’s development plans, objectives and strategy.

Cuesta Coal is always looking at ways to improve Shareholder communications and is committed to keeping our Shareholders fully informed regarding developments and important information that affects the company. We hope that the blog will assist in providing a more thorough understanding of the company’s projects and activities, the mining industry and market.

In addition to the blog, we will continue to post updates via our LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook pages, so if you haven’t done so already, please follow us by clinking on the links below.

After a successful 2012, we would like to thank our Shareholders for your continued support and we look forward to achieving our Operational and Corporate objectives in the year ahead.

If you have any queries, require further information or would like to provide feedback please email us at: info@cuestacoal.com.au.

Kind regards,

The Cuesta Coal Team